About Me
- Name: Matt Stewart
- Location: San Francisco, California, United States
Novelist + tech daredevil = a thrilling Bastille Day 2009! Follow me on twitter.com/thefrenchrev
We're having a wedding celebration in July 2006 and for the party we want one thing only -- a performance by Axl Rose!
At 4:35 PM, Anonymous said…
How about offering him money...ever think of trying that?
At 5:45 PM, Anonymous said…
lol....yeah, if axl were to do this, i don't think he would do it for the money. it would be pretty cool if he made an appearance...in all reality, i think it's unlikely. good luck anyway.
At 6:23 PM, Matt Stewart said…
I believe in the goodness of Axl! Please, remain optimistic! We haven't even received our first cease and desist missive from his legal team yeat!
At 6:32 PM, Anonymous said…
Oh if you keep bugging Merck your definately going to piss him off and probably force him to send you a cease and desist letters. Id stop with this nonsense about Axl performing at your wedding if i were you afterall why would he perform at some jackasses wedding when he is the biggest rockstar on the planet.
At 7:47 PM, Matt Stewart said…
why would axl do this? because it's awesome and the right thing to do!
and how do you know I'm a jackass? I'm not the jackass running around calling strangers jackasses!
At 8:24 PM, Anonymous said…
How is it the "right" thing to do? He doesnt know you or owe you anything. ANd I know your a jackass because your posting this useless nonsense ont he internet and spamming peoples emails with it. Grow up and get over it.
At 9:28 AM, Matt Stewart said…
he doesn't owe me anything and he doesn't know me. but it's certainly the right thing to do. That's so self-evident that even an anonymous jackass like you could figure it out.
And this isn't spam! I'm not selling people anything! I'm not spreading viruses! I'm starting a movement!
Besides, you like it--you keep coming back for more!
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